Friday, February 06, 2009

Photo Quilt kicks off "Finish It Fridays"

Last year at ScrapBowl 2008, I took a class with Shimelle Lane, a fabulously creative soul! We brought a series of pictures printed on cardstock to class and proceeded to cut, color, paint, stamp and distress those and other cardstock squares for our quilt. I never got around to sewing it all together during the crop.

Almost one year later, I saw that project sitting unfinished in a bag on my shelf. As a collector of projects, I have MANY things started that I've never quite gotten around to completing. So, I've decided to institute "Finish It Fridays", whereby I take a project that I've begun and finish it. Easy, right? We'll see!

In honor of the picture-quilt-never-finished, I began with that! And guess what?? I completed it! I feel so accomplished I shared it with all the other moms at the bus stop. Here are the pictures:


Lauren said...

It's beautiful, now you've made me want to pull mine out and finish it too!

Maybe I need a catchy tag line first, let me think on it!

shimelle said...


i love tiffany sherman!
looooove your finished quilt!


ctdmomof2 said...

I love your blog Tiff, love it! Can't wait to see all of your finished projects. Maybe this will inspire the inner "crafty Claire" -it's gotta be in there somewhere, ya think???

The quilt is beautiful!!